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Int 21 Fn 17  - DOS 1+ - Rename File Using Fcb                             [D]

   AH = 17h
   DS:DX -> modified FCB (see also AH=0Fh)
       the old filename ('?' wildcards OK) is in the standard location
       while the new filename ('?' wildcards OK) is stored in the 11
       bytes beginning at offset 11h

Return: AL = status
       00h successfully renamed
       FFh no matching files,file is read-only, or new name already exists

Notes: subdirectories may be renamed using an extended FCB with the
     appropriate attribute, as may volume labels
   DR-DOS checks password attached with AX=4303h before permitting rename

See Also: AH=0Fh,AH=13h,AX=4303h,AH=56h,INT 2F/AX=1111h

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