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Format of Video Parameter Table element [MCGA only]

Offset  Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    Columns on screen         (see 40h:4Ah)
 01h   BYTE    Rows on screen minus one      (see 40h:84h)
 02h   BYTE    Height of character in scan lines (see 40h:85h)
 03h   WORD    Size of video buffer          (see 40h:4Ch)
 05h   WORD    ??? always zero
 07h 21 BYTEs  Video data registers 00h-14h to port 3D5h indexed by 3D4h
 1Ch   BYTE    PEL Mask to port 3C6h
 1Dh   BYTE    CGA Mode Control to port 3D8h
 1Eh   BYTE    CGA Border Control to port 3D9h
 1Fh   BYTE    Extended Mode Control to port 3DDh

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