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Int 1A Fn E301  - Disk Spool Ii V4.0x - Get Spool File Status              [c]

   AX = E301h
   ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename (max 32 chars)

Return: AH = status
       00h successful
       ES:SI -> spool file status record (see below)
       F0h not a spool file
       FFh failed

Note:  this function is also supported by Vertisoft's Emulaser utility ELSPL,
     as that is a licensed version of Disk Spool II

See Also: AH=E0h,AX=E302h,AX=E401h

Format of spool file status record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    hour of creation or last update
 01h   BYTE    minute of creation or last update
 02h   BYTE    year-1980 of creation or last update
 03h   BYTE    month of creation or last update
 04h   BYTE    day of creation or last update
 05h   BYTE    total number of copies to print
 06h   BYTE    number of copies already printed
 07h   BYTE    printer port (01h COM1, 02h COM2, 05h LPT1, 06h LPT2)
 08h   BYTE    save status (00h delete after printing, 01h save)
 09h   BYTE    file status
       01h done printing, but being saved
       02h on hold
       03h queued for printing
       04h being spooled
       05h being despooled (i.e. printed)
 0Ah 16 BYTEs  ASCIZ description
 1Ah  2 WORDs  file size in bytes (high,low)
 1Eh  2 WORDs  bytes left to print (high,low)

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