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Int 1A Fn D0  U - Disk Spool Ii V2.07+ - Function Calls                    [c]

   AH = D0h
   AL = function code
       01h enable spooler and despooler
       02h enable spooler only
       03h enable despooler at beginning of file
       04h disable the despooler
       05h disable the despooler and spooler
       06h clear the spool file
       08h inhibit the popup menu
       09h enable the popup menu
       0Ah ??? (called by Disk Spool's INT 21 handler)
       0Bh disable the spooler
       0Ch start despooler after last successfully printed document
       0Dh start despooler at the exact point where it last left off
       0Eh pop up the menu
       0Fh ???
       11h start new spool file??? (called by Disk Spool's INT 21 handler
           when a program terminates)
       14h ???
       15h delete despool file and reset ???
       16h ??? (writes something to unknown file)
       17h ??? (writes something to despool file, then reads something
           else and ???)
       18h ??? (reads something from despool file, and then ???)
       19h ??? (creates/truncates spool file)
       20h clear file pointed to by the despooler
       21h ??? (writes something to unknown file)
       22h ??? (writes something to spool file if spooler/despooler using
           same file)
       23h ??? (opens/creates unknown file, then ???)
       30h ???
       31h ???
       32h beep
       33h append CRLF to spool file???
       34h ???
       35h ???
       36h ???
       37h append CRLF to spool file and start a new spool file???
       38h ???
       40h ??? (v4.05)
       41h ??? (v4.05)
       51h ??? (called by Disk Spool's INT 21 handler)
       52h ??? (called by Disk Spool's INT 21 handler)
       57h ???
       5Ah ??? (v4.05)
       5Bh ??? (v4.05)
       5Ch ??? (v4.05)

Note:  this function is also supported by Vertisoft's Emulaser utility ELSPL,
     as that is a licensed version of Disk Spool II

See Also: AH=A0h,AH=ADh

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