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Format of Video Parameter Table element [EGA, VGA only]

Offset  Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    Columns on screen         (see 40h:4Ah)
 01h   BYTE    Rows on screen minus one      (see 40h:84h)
 02h   BYTE    Height of character in scan lines (see 40h:85h)
 03h   WORD    Size of video buffer          (see 40h:4Ch)
 05h  4 BYTEs  Values for Sequencer Registers 1-4
 09h   BYTE    Value for Miscellaneous Output Register
 0Ah 25 BYTEs  Values for CRTC Registers 00h-18h
 23h 20 BYTEs  Values for Attribute Controller Registers 00h-13h
 37h  9 BYTEs  Values for Graphics Controller Registers 00h-08h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson