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Int 1A Fn 8C  - PCmcia Socket Services - Inquire Socket                    [X]

   AH = 8Ch
   AL = adapter number
   BL = socket number (01h to maximum supported by adapter)

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH destroyed
       DH = capabilities (see below)
       DL = hardware indicators (see below)
       DS:SI -> Socket Characteristics table (see below)
       DS:DI -> Power Management table (see below)
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (01h,0Bh) (see AH=80h"PCMCIA")

See Also: AH=87h,AH=8Dh,AH=8Eh

Bitfields for socket capabilities:
 bit 0 card change
 bit 1 card lock
 bit 2 insert card (motor control)
 bit 3 eject card (motor control)
 bits 4-7 reserved (0)

Bitfields for socket hardware indicators:
 bit 0 busy status
 bit 1 write-protected
 bit 2 battery status
 bit 3 card lock status
 bit 4 XIP status (eXecute-In-Place)
 bits 5-7 reserved (0)

Format of Socket Characteristics table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    supported card types
       bit 0: memory card
       bit 1: I/O card
       bits 2-7 reserved (0)
 02h   WORD    steerable IRQ levels (bit 0 = IRQ0 to bit 15 = IRQ15)
 04h   WORD    additional steerable IRQ levels
       bit 0: NMI
       bit 1: I/O check
       bit 2: bus error
       bit 3: vendor-unique
       bits 4-7 reserved (0)

Format of Power Management table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    number of entries in table (0 if power management not avail)
 02h 2N BYTEs  power levels
       byte 0: voltage in 0.1V units
       byte 1: power supply
           bit 7: Vcc
           bit 6: Vpp1
           bit 5: Vpp2

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