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Int 1A Fn 84  - PCmcia Socket Services - Inquire Adapter                   [X]

   AH = 84h
   AL = adapter number

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH destroyed
       BH = number of windows
       BL = number of sockets (1-16)
       CX = number of EDCs
       DH = capabilities (see below)
       DL = status change interrupt used (only if DH bit 3 set)(see below)
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (01h) (see AH=80h"PCMCIA")

See Also: AH=80h"PCMCIA",AH=85h"PCMCIA",AH=87h

Bitfields for capabilities:
 bit 0 indicators are per-adapter rather than per-socket
 bit 1 power management is per-adapter rather than per-socket
 bit 2 data bus width is per-socket rather than per-window
 bit 3 status change interrupt
 bit 4 status change interrupt is software shareable
 bit 5 status change interrupt is hardware shareable
 bits 6-7 reserved (0)

Values for status change interrupt usage:
 00h-0Fh IRQ level
 10h   NMI
 11h   I/O check
 12h   bus error
 13h   vendor specific
 14h-FFh reserved

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