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Int 1A Fn 82  - PCmcia Socket Services - Register Card Technology Callbac  [X]

   AH = 82h
   DS:DX -> callback routine (see below) or 0000h:0000h

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH destroyed
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (see AH=80h"PCMCIA")

Note:  the callback is invoked on a Write Multiple request with an unsupported
     card technology type

See Also: AH=81h"PCMCIA",AH=94h

Callback routine invoked with:
   ES:AX -> Low-Level Socket Services Routines (see below)
   BH = socket attributes (see below)
   CX = number of bytes or words to write
   DS:SI -> data buffer to be written
   DX:DI -> 26-bit linear card address
   BP = card technology type

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (07h,0Ch,12h,14h) (see AH=80h"PCMCIA")

Bitfields for socket attributes:
 bit 0 memory type (clear = common, set = attribute)
 bit 1 data width (clear = byte, set = word)
 bit 2 even bytes only (only valid if bit 1 set)
 bit 3 packed buffer
 bits 4-7 reserved (0)

Format of Low-Level Socket Services Routines:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset of Write Many routine (see below)
 02h   WORD    offset of Write One routine (see below)
 04h   WORD    offset of Read One routine (see below)
 06h   WORD    offset of Increment Offset routine (see below)
 08h   WORD    offset of Set Offset routine (see below)
 0Ah   WORD    offset of Get Status routine (see below)

Call Write Many routine with:
   BH = socket attributes (see above)
   CX = number of bytes or words to write
   DS:SI -> data to be written

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error

Call Write One routine with:
   AL/AX = data to be written
   BH = socket attributes (see above)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error

Call Read One routine with:
   BH = socket attributes (see above)

Return: CF clear if successful
       AL/AX = data read
   CF set on error

Call Increment Offset routine with:
   BH = socket attributes (see above)

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error

Call Set Offset routine with:
   DX:DI = new offset address

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error

Call Get Status routine with:

Return: AL = current card status (see AH=81h"PCMCIA")

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson