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Int 1A Fn 6308  - Snap.exe 3.2+ - "snap_beginconv" - Begin Conversation    [N]

   AX = 6308h
   STACK:  WORD    offset of ASCIZ "guardian"
       WORD    offset of ASCIZ hostname
       WORD    offset of ASCIZ server name
       WORD    offset of ASCIZ userid
       WORD    offset of ASCIZ password
       WORD    offset of password length
       WORD    offset of password type
       WORD    offset of "Cparms" structure (see below)

Return: ???
   STACK unchanged

Note:  all stacked offsets are within the SNAP data segment (use AX=6A01h
     to allocate a buffer)

See Also: AX=6405h,AX=7202h

Format of Cparms structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    retry delay in seconds
 02h   WORD    timeout delay in seconds
 04h   WORD    maximum buffer size
 06h   WORD    encryption level

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