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Int 1A Fn 3601  - Word Perfect V5.0 Third Party Interface - Installation   [A]

   AX = 3601h

Return: DS:SI = routine to monitor keyboard input, immediately preceded by the
       ASCIZ string "WPCORP\0"

Notes: WordPerfect 5.0 will call this interrupt at start up to determine if a
     third party product wants to interface with it.  The third party
     product must intercept this interrupt and return the address of a
     keyboard monitor routine.
   Before checking for keyboard input, and after every key entered by the
     user, Word Perfect will call the routine whose address was provided
     in DS:SI with the following parameters:
       Entry:  AX = key code or 0
           BX = WordPerfect state flag
       Exit:   AX = 0 or key code
           BX = 0 or segment address of buffer with key codes
   See the "WordPerfect 5.0 Developer's Toolkit" for further information.

See Also: INT 16/AX=5500h

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