The pasKAL graphics library. Version 1. (c) Kevin A. Lee. 1992, 1993. --------------------------------- The pasKAL graphics library is a Turbo Pascal version 6 MCGA 320x200 256 colour graphics library. The library was originally intended for games programming but has developed to the extent that it is suitable for many other applications. The main features of the library are: - all routines write either directly to the screen or to a hidden page in memory, thus elliminating flicker completely. - quick and easy sprite routines; as many sprites as you can fit into available memory, with sizes upto 160*200. - loading of PCX files, either as entire screens or as individual sprites. - individual pixel reading and writing. - line and rectangle drawing. - character and string writing at any position. - different font styles and sizes. - DAC palette manipulation. - quick palette fades (both in and out). - complete mouse library. - complete joystick library. - FAST - most of the code is optimised assembler. - full source code available. - continually evolving - I am committed to continually improving the library and making it the best. For more information you should download the file PASKAL.ZIP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kevin A. Lee 73, Frederick Neal Avenue, Eastern Green, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV5 7EJ UNITED KINGDOM If you have any queries please contact me at the address above or e-mail me (until end of July 1993) at