WCVT2POV.EXE - V1.0 This is a sequel program to wobj2pov.exe. It allows 3d model files from several different sources to be read, viewed, modified, and then saved. It recognizes the following 3d file formats: Wavefront *.obj file: (both import & export) Autocad 3d *.dxf file: (both import & export) RAW *.raw files: (import only) POVRay V2 *.pov file: (export only) WCVT2POV allows the color and texture of the 3d files to be modified. Each group of polygons from *.obj files, or each set of polygons of the same color in a *.dxf file can now be edited. Each group of polygons can have their own color and texture which is selected using the "Color & Texture" dialog box. Features that are planned for V2.0 release (later this year): 1) Support for importing DXF 2d files and extruding them. 2) Additional 3d file formats. 3) POV Smooth triangle. 4) MS-Windows help file. 5) A file format for this program so that color and texture info can be saved in a generic fashion, and so that object models can be saved in a more compact form. Keith Rule