SFLIU220.ZIP Version 2.20 Released January 18, 1994 By Derek Liu (deliu@unixg.ubc.ca) and Brian Chan (chanav@sfu.ca) Documentation by Brian Chan Hello, SFLIU fans! Seems like not too long ago that Derek and released SFLIU V2.10, saying that it would be the last release from us. Well, soon after we released V2.10, I started playing around with a few files, and we decided to share them with you. SFLIU V2.20 was released with basically two purposes, to fix some minor bugs in SFLIU V2.10, and to add a "Super Street Fighter 2" mode, based (loosely) on the SSF2 arcade game. Some new SSF2 sound effects are included, but very few new graphics, as inserting new graphics is an extremely long process (i.e. no DeeJay, Cammy, T. Hawk or Fei Long :( ) Note that *YOU MUST HAVE SFLIU V2.10* in order for SFLIU V2.20 to be any use!!! To install SFLIU V2.20, just unzip SFLIU V2.20 into your SFLIU V2.10 directory, opting to overwrite all files. After proper installation, there will be an option for SSF2 mode when SF2.BAT is run. If you don't have SFLIU V2.10, you can FTP it at: ftp.krl.caltech.edu - /pub/fighting/sf2/sfliu And possibly at: csula-ps.caltech.edu - /users/kid/sf2 wuarchive.wustl.edu - /pub/msdos_uploads/games/sf2 When's the next SFLIU coming out, and will we do TSSF2? Probably not for quite a long time, and probably not, since schoolwork is always building up for us, there are some major gameplay changes in TSSF2 that the crude SF2IBM executable just can't handle. (Heck, there are lots of things in the EXE that don't even match the original Street Fighter 2!) We'll see, though. Greets as always to the beta-test team: Isabel, Ben, Wayne, Winson, Dave, Doug, Albert, Grant, Clarence, Kee, Kevin, Kevan, Dennis, Shaolin, Shaopin, James and Jacky. Have fun, and happy Street Fighting! Brian -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES IN SFLIU V2.20 FROM SFLIU V2.10: ======================================== Improved sounds: o Inserted Cammy's music for Sagat and Bison o Country names o Blanka's roar o Spinning Bird Kick o Sonic Boom o Dos Koi o You lose o Shouryuken o Hadoken o Tatsu Maki Sen Puu Kyaku o Tiger o Tiger Uppercut o Vega's yell In General: o Yet another retouch of Guile's background. o Dizzy stars disappear after character is hit. Ryu: o Fixed minor problems in spacing for one of the computer combos. Also added a sound effect for it. (?) E.Honda: o Fixed bug with forward buttafuoco. Blanka: o Only roars with large ball. Ken: o Jump straight + strong/fierce can hit opponent twice. Fixed. o Added a sound effect for a computer combo. Chun Li: o Standing (far) forward can now hit Ken/Ryu's FB pose. o Standing (far) roundhouse can how hit Ken/Ryu's FB pose. o One computer combo had a jumping short that was able to be blocked low. Fixed. o Increased range for first hit of spinning bird kick. o Decreased range for jumping short. Balrog: o Rush punches less effective air defense. Vega: o Opponent now starts blocking at very start of Barcelona Drop. Sagat: o Lessened priority of standing roundhouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HF MODE AND SSF2 MODE ========================================= In General: o New SSF2 sounds, title screen. o Character's names are now in mixed case! (Wow.....) o Dizzy stars seen right away, disappear when hit. o New computer combos. Some CPU characters now have a little "extra" in their computer combos :) Ryu: o Fierce DP knocks down. o CK lasts shorter, no longer invincible at start and end, takes longer to land, falls more forward than HF when landing. o FB dies out after 3/4 of playing field. (Isn't a big factor in the game though) o Added blue and red fireball graphic. Red fireball will knock down from close up. E.Honda: o Buttafuoco knocks down on the way up, must be blocked high. Blanka: o Vertical roll retreats on the way down, no longer hits. o Added arch ball. Guile: o RH Blade Kick knocks down. o Blade kick range decreased. o Crouching fierce can now take out Ken/Ryu's CK consistently. o Blade kick recovery shortened. o Modified jump straight + forward Ken: o Strong DP hits twice, Fierce DP hits three times, sets you ablaze. o Longer FB launch time. o CK hits on the way up, takes longer to land, falls more forward than HF when landing. o FB dies out after 3/4 of playing field. (Isn't a big factor in the game though) o Added a sound effect for a computer combo. Chun Li: o Kikkoken changed to [B] [F] motion, dies out, launch time decreased, Recovery time increased. o First hit frame of SBK knocks down. o New standing (close) RH. o Flip kick (slam with forward) hits twice. o Increased range of first hit of spinning bird kick. o Standing strong no longer hits low. o Decreased range for jumping short. Dhalsim: o Yoga fire no longer knocks down. o Short slide no longer interruptable. Balrog: o TAP is no longer invincible. o Buffalo Headbutt added. o Jab dashing straight punch knocks down. o Rush punches less effective air defense. o Reduced repeat rate of crouching short Vega: o Flying Barcelona knocks down, must be blocked high. o Added quick flip backwards. o Crouching strong is interruptable. o New frame used for crouching fierce, no longer hits low. o Added new frames: - Standing (far and close) punches and kicks - Jumping punches and roundhouse o Added Air Torpedo. Sagat: o Standing roundhouse only hits once. o Crouching jab/short no longer interruptable. o All standing kicks now interruptable. o Tiger Knee starts off lower, easier to hit twice. Reduced damage of first hit. M.Bison: o Added Devil's Reverse. o Scissor kick knocks down. o Lower half of torpedo no longer hits. o New standing short.