Welcome to Doom Thing Edit(DTEdit) Version 2.0 Major Upgrade!! -------------------------------------------------------------- BE SURE TO USE THE HELP FEATURE THE FIRST TIME YOU USE DTEDIT!! I'M TOO LAZY TO UPDATE ALL THE HELP INFORMATION IN THIS TEXT FILE!!! Features ======== Alrighty, what you've all been waiting for.. A doom editor! Of course, this thing can't edit everything.. In fact, all it can edit is the items laying around. But you can do lots of things with those items such as: 1. move them around; place the boss guy right in front of the entrance! 2. change items; change that BFG 9000 into a big brain. 3. Insert and Delete items; Put as many things as you want on a level! 4. change angle; make those rifle guys ambush! 5. save it all to your .wad file WITHOUT rewriting the WHOLE thing! 6. Save and Load to individual .DTE files (very small.. Perfect for modem transmission and making backups of your .wad) 7. New cursors, so you know when you're over an item, and when you're moving an item. 8. Mirror Bug FIXED! 9. New Configuration File! Set colors, default items, etc. 10. Select angles, items, and skills with the keyboard! (still REQUIRES mouse however for moving and selecting) 11. Change skill!! Change the skill level that an item appears on. 12. Have default items! No more selecting items by hand on each item, with a touch of a key, pick 1 of 10 default items! 13. Replicate Feature - Replicate your last created item! 14. Import save files created by Deuedit 2.0! 15. View the graphics as you select them! 16. Fix for save to .wad bug! 17. Tremendously faster screen writes! You have to see it to believe it. 18. Fix for Delete bug! 19. Goto feature while changing an item to make for easier and faster changes! 20. Improved and more flexible DTEDIT.CFG file! 21. Complete list of items! (not all of the picture info though) 22. DTEDIT Random(1.00)! Randomize the items! Almost fully configurable from the DTEDIT.CFG file! 23. ** Change the brightness of SECTORS! 24. ** Change the attributes of SECTORS to make them flash, blink, take away energy, and more!! 25. ** Change the Altitude of the floor and ceiling! 26. ** Change attributes of lines such as impassible or transparent (great for making illusionary walls) 27. ** More additions to the config file to allow for the color defining of walls!! 28. ** Enhancement of .DTE files to store changes made in Sectors, Lines, and textures (when available) 29. ** Compression of .DTE files to make them smaller 30. ** Option to turn on and off auto-saving feature 31. ** Episode, Level, and a description are now saved into the .DTE and can be viewed upon loading the .DTE file! ** New for Version 2.00!! To see how to activate these features, use the '?' key while in the editor