
 No input file specified
 DCPP was run without any input file specification


 Unable to create %s
 DCPP Was unable to create the requested output file.  This is
 normally a temporary file.


 Unknown directive
 DCPP has encountered a # directive which is unknown to it.


 Maximum number of #if levels (%d) exceeded
 You may only have up to 256 levels of #if nesting


 Multiple #else's for an #if, suggest #elif
 This normally indicates a mistake in constructing complex
 #if/#elif/#else/#endif sequences.


 #endif without associated #if
 Occurs when you have an #endif without a matching #if.


 #error directive: %.*s
 The #error directive has been encountered.  This directive is defined
 to generate an error on purpose and used by programmers for that
 express purpose.


 Maximum number of #include/macro levels (%d) exceeded
 DCPP can handle up to 32 levels of includes and macro nestings.


 File Size mismatch %s (%d)
 This error should never occur and, if it does, is probably indicative
 of problems elsewhere in the system.  Essentially, DCPP uses Seek()
 to determine the size of the file then Read()s it in.  If the numbers
 don't match you get this error.


 Ran out of memory!
 DCPP has run out of memory.  This does not normally occur as DCPP
 uses the least memory of all the main compiler executables.  This can
 occur if you do not have much memory in the system, though.  There
 are a number of things that can be done to fix the situation... try
 using precompiled includes, try specifying a temporary directory (-T
 option to DCC) that is not in RAM:


 Read Error from %s
 A read error occured while DCPP was attempting to read a file.


 stringtize '#' valid only before macro argument in a #define
 You may only stringtize a macro argument as in:

 #define stringof(fubar) #fubar

 Attempting to stringtize other tokens is illegal


 unterminated #if's left over from include after EOF: %d/%d
 One or more #if's was left unclosed (i.e. no matching #endif) at the
 end of a file. While you can nest #include's in #if's you cannot
 start an #if in an #include and #endif it outside that #include.


 Unexpected EOF (unterminated comment?)
 A comment was left unterminated when the file EOF occured.  This can
 also occur if you forget an end quote.


 Software Error line 177
 This an other software errors generally indicate a bug in DCPP.  It
 is possible to get software errors from illegal files that generate
 situations which confuse DCPP.


 Unterminated double quoted string, Unterminated single quoted character constant
 Unterminated string and/or character constants were detected.


 Read Error on precompiled header file
 A read error occured reading a precompiled header file.


 Error parsing precompiled header file
 This indicates a software error of some sort with the precompiled
 header routines.  DICE automatically discards precompiled headers
 that do not match the version of the compiler in use so this error
 message will only be generated if DCPP really gets confused somehow.


 Can't seek in output file
 You must specify a disk file as the output file for DCPP.  DCPP must
 often seek in the output file.


 No symbol specified for #undef
 You have an #undef directive which specifies no symbol to undef


 Illegal NULL symbol in defined macro
 You have somehow managed to define a 0 length symbol.   This is
 usually indicative of a syntax error somewhere.


 Maximum number of macro arguments (%d) exceeded
 Macros cannot deal with more then 256 arguments.  There is no limit
 on the size of a macro.


 Expected comma
 Expected closing paren
 Generally occurs when parsing macros, a comma or closing paren was


 Software error in macro replace: %d/%d %d/%d
 Again, this indicates a software error somewhere in the routine that
 handles argument substitution.  While it is most likely due to an
 illegal macro it could also be due to problem with DCPP.


 Recursive use of macro <macroMAJOR HEADING>
 You called a macro recursively, this would lead to an infinite loop.


 Unexpected EOF in macro %s
 This can occur if a macro contains an unterminated comment or string.


 Macro crosses #include boundary
 A weird error you should never get.  There are a few situations where
 DCPP is not ANSI compatible (due to the way DCPP recurses through
 macros) which will generate this error message.


 Not enough arguments to macro: %d/%d
 You referenced a macro which needs more arguments then you supplied!


 Expected closing paren, got '%c' in macro %s (too many args?)
 You have most likely specified more arguments then the macro takes.
 This can also occur if unexpected characters are encountered when
 processing a macro.


 Software Error (Creator)
 DCPP has gotten confused


 Software Error in macro %s symbol %s
 DCPP has gotten confused


 Software Error in allocator %d
 DCPP has gotten very confused


 GetNominalInclude() failed
 This indicates a problem openning an #include file.  Normally you
 should get a 'Can't open file' and not this message.


 Syntax error, Too many close parens, Expression too complex
 These occur during DCPP expression parsing for #if's and are
 indicative of problems in your expression


 Error parsing expression
 This is similar to a syntax error and indicates an improperly
 constructed expression.


 Error in #include line
 DCPP was unable to parse the specified #include directive.  There are
 a few ANSI constructs, such as using macros in an #include directive,
 that DCPP has yet to support.


 Can't seek in precompiled header file
 Indicates a general problem accessing a precompiled header file.
 Expected comma or close paren
 Another expression parsing error.  DCPP was expecting one thing and
 got something else.
 Expected close paren for macro %s
 DCPP had a problem parsing the specified macro, looking for a close
 parenthesis and not finding one.


 Can't open file %.*s
 DCPP was unable to open the specified file.