BP2info.txt BOL PROCESSOR BP2 - June 1997 release (2.7.1) [Note: this is a revised release of the current version. In the initial release, BP2.7 (ppc) refused to run.] BP2 is a MacOS software for music design working in both MIDI and Csound environments. The current version is available from Info-Mac mirror sites (list available under ftp://ftp.hawaii.edu/mirrors/info-mac/help/). The package is made of three files in BinHex 4 format: bol-processor-271-doc.hqx contains the documentation bol-processor-271-appl.hqx contains the program (both 68K and ppc versions) bol-processor-271-data.hqx contains examples BinHex files yield self-extracting archives "sea". (Use Compact Pro, StuffIt or BinHex for converting from BinHex). No software is required to extract "sea" files. Double-clicking their icons (under MacOS) automatically creates folders and files. When BP2 software, documentation and examples get upgraded, similar BinHex files will be found on the site, bearing numbers 272...etc. It is a good idea to check Info-Mac from time to time and download upgrades. Send me a mail (bel@csh.ernet.in) even if you don't wish to register so that your address will be put on a mailing list. "bol-processor-271-doc.hqx" contains a manual "BP2 doc - MS Word" in Microsoft Word (version 5). It is recommended to print at least the "QuickStart" part of it. A 50$ shareware, BP2 may be freely distributed provided that no alteration has been made to the software, examples and documents. Registration details are found in the beginning of "BP2 doc - MS Word". CD-ROM publishers should get in touch with the author to make sure that they distribute the most recent version. Registration, information and suggestions: contact Bernard Bel (bel@csh.ernet.in or fax 00 91 11 301 84 80) Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (srikumar@iss.nus.sg)