MODS Anthology

MODS Anthology

Do you like Music? Do you like Computers? Do you like Computer-Music? Then, this collection is what you need! 4 CD-Roms full of Music-Modules!

More than <18000> mods of any format (MOD, S3M, XM, IT, Amiga Synthetics...) all sorted by Composers in priority, by Groups, then by Kinds; all stored in uncompressed form, readable under all the major platforms. Coming along with 11MB of Module Lists (ASCII, AmigaGuide...) and 25MB of Module Players and Trackers for many computers.

Released with the full agreement from more than 200 musicians (PC and Amiga Scene) who provided me with a personal info-file and picture, as well as many previously unreleased modules!


CD-1 Composers (A-F) 2719 mods (438 MB)
CD-2 Composers (G-Q) 3417 mods ( 574 MB)
CD-3 Composers (R-Z)
2263 mods
1458 mods
( 371 MB)
( 194 MB)
CD-4 Miscellaneous 2857 mods ( 497 MB)
12714 mods (2074 MB)
CD-4 + Synth/Exotic formats 5382 mods ( 74 MB)
18096 mods (2148 MB)

Enjoy this 7-years titanic work! Prepare to listen to 1000+ hours of Music!

Author of this Collection: Nicolas 'Gryzor' FRANCK

Author of the CD-CoverPic: Nicolas 'Elizium' ARFEUIL

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