Aminet CD 12 - 6/96

Aminet is the world�s largest collection of freely distributable Amiga software. Up to 10,000 users access the vast archives daily, and countless programmers publish initially via Aminet . Only three years after its inception, Aminet now holds the equivalent of more than 7,500 floppy disks of software.

Aminet CD 12 - June 1996, contains more than 1 gigabyte (uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives. Since the release of Aminet CD 10 more than 700 MB new software has appeared. The current edition has a special focus on fonts. More than 1,000 fascinating pictures were included.

Although you own this disc, you do not own all of the programs contained on it. Many of the included programs are shareware, and you are encouraged to pay and register for their use.

As a bonus over 1000 MODs are included, most of them with more than 4 voices.


Files Contents (subject to change)
biz 30 MB 56 Business software
comm 53 MB 229 Communications
demo 111 MB 92 Graphics & sound demo
dev 35 MB 110 Development software
disk 4 MB 35 Disk & HD tools
docs 38 MB 79 Documents
game 87 MB 168 Games
gfx 41 MB 77 Graphics software
hard 4 MB 20 Hardware related
misc 11 MB 50 Miscellaneous
mus 77 MB 378 Music software
pix 128 MB 220 Pictures
text 11 MB 48 Text software
util 28 MB 270 Utilities

It will be available at June 5th 1996.

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