(logo)  Browser 2: Colours

On this settings page, you can change the default colours to use.

Change the default colours

To change the colour of a link, select the appropriate row in the list. There are different colours for:
New link
This colour is used for links to pages that you haven't visited yet.
Visited link
Links to pages you have visited before are shown in this colour.
Selected link
This is the highlight colour a link will have when you click it.
The background colour of a page without a background colour or background image.
The default colour of normal text on a page.

Then press the Change colour button, this will pop up a colour requester. Note that this colour requester (as opposed to the Palette colour requester) does not change the screen's palette. Instead, it picks the colour from the available palette that fits best to the selected colour values. Internally, the 24 bit colour values are stored, and for every screen AWeb opens on the best fitting colours are determined.

These settings are ignored if a page defines its own colours.

Use screen text and background colours

Suppose you don't want any special colour for your background and text, but just the normal screen colours. Instead of trying to get the palette exactly right to match the screen colours, you can simply select this checkbox. Then the palette settings for browser background and text are ignored, and those of the screen are used (unless the page defines its own colours).

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