(logo)  AWeb ARexx Commands

Currently a very rudimentary command set is implemented. More commands will be added in the future.

Available commands are:

Retrieve and show the document for this URL.
The RELOAD switch will reload the document even it is still in the document cache.

Reload the current document.

Temporarily allow shell commands and ARexx macros to be started from hyperlinks regardless of the Allow shell commands setting. This allows easier usage of ARexx plug-ins without need for the user to explicitly change the settings.

Commands are allowed only in the current document, or in the document that is being loaded. After a new document is loaded in the window, the normal settings apply.

Get information from the document in this window. The ITEM argument determines the information to return:
Retrieve the URL of the document.
Retrieve the HTML source of the document. Note that due to an ARexx limitation only the first 65535 bytes are returned.
Retrieve the title of the document. If no title was defined in the document, the document's URL is returned.
Retrieve the name of the screen that AWeb uses to open its windows on.
Retrieve the name of the ARexx port associated with the most recently activated AWeb window. Useful in ARexx macros started via a shell script or shell command to find the active window.

The information is returned in the reserved variable RESULT, unless the VAR argument is used to specify the variable name.

Get information about AWeb's cache. The ITEM argument determines the information to return, and the FROM argument determines the object to get information for. ITEM can be one of the following:
Get the URL for a file in cache. FROM must be the name of a cache temporary file, with or without path.
Get the file name for a file in cache. FROM must be the name of a cache temporary file, with or without path. The file name returned is the last part of the URL, after the last slash.
Get the temporary file name for a URL. FROM must be a URL of a document or image in cache. Note that no URL parsing is done, so the URLs must match exactly. Also note that many documents won't have a corresponding cache file.

The information is returned in the reserved variable RESULT.

Save the HTML source of the document.

If NAME is given, the source is saved under this name. If the APPEND switch is set, the source is appended to the file, otherwise the file will be overwritten.

If no NAME is given, a save requester will pop up.

Make this window the active window.

Move this window in front of all other windows on the screen.

Move this window to the back of all other windows on the screen.

Move the screen that AWeb is using in front of all other screens.

Move the screen that AWeb is using to the back of all other screens.

Close this window.
The FORCE switch suppresses the "Are you sure" requester if this was the last window.

Quit AWeb.
The FORCE switch suppresses the "Are you sure" requester.

<-Ports   ^ARexx   ->Return codes