WHAT DIABLO WANTS YOU TO KNOW 1. There are no backwards messages in my game. 2. If my game runs slowly on your system, you can increase performance by copying Diablo to your hard drive. To do this with Windows Explorer, select the Diablo folder icon and drag it to your hard drive. 3. You can also increase performance by turning off music in the main menu, which you access via the Escape key (unlike my domain, from which there is no escape). 4. This is a prerelease demo. There will be no patches or updates to this demo, nor will Blizzard Entertainment offer technical support. 5. Diablo requires DirectX 2.0 or later to run properly. If you do not have DirectX 2.0 or are unsure which version you have, you can find a copy of it in the DX directory of this CD. 6. !olbaiD gniyalp flesruoy yojnE