; Help Magician Pro CNT File v4.00.000 :Base D:\CLARIO~2\NAMES3~2\NAMES.hlp :Title HigginSoft Names 3.1 1 Contents =Contents ;*HMKey 080957130001 1 Getting Started 2 Introduction =Introduction ;*HMKey 080957130002 2 Getting Help =Getting_Help ;*HMKey 080957130003 2 Menus and Buttons =Menus_and_Buttons ;*HMKey 080957130016 1 Browsing Your Database 2 Browse Table =Browse_Table ;*HMKey 080957130004 2 Scrolling the List =Scrolling_the_List ;*HMKey 080957130005 2 Tabs (Browse) =Tabs_Browse ;*HMKey 080957130007 2 Adding, Editing, and Removing Records =Adding_Editing_and_Removing_Records ;*HMKey 080957130006 2 Changing Records =Changing_Records ;*HMKey 080957130014 1 Adding a New Record 2 Forms =Forms ;*HMKey 080957130010 2 Hot Fields =Hot_Fields ;*HMKey 080957130008 2 Tabs (Forms) =Tabs_Forms ;*HMKey 080957130012 2 Recursive Adds =Recursive_Adds ;*HMKey 080957130013 2 Closing a Form =Closing_a_Form ;*HMKey 080957130015 2 Closing a Browse Table =Closing_a_Browse_Table ;*HMKey 080957130009 2 Data Entry =Data_Entry ;*HMKey 080957130011 2 Filling In Dates =Filling_In_Dates ;*HMKey 080957130063 1 Defaults 2 Defaults Form =Defaults_Form ;*HMKey 080957130017 2 Default Entry Fields =Default_Entry_Fields ;*HMKey 080957130018 2 Default Return Address =Default_Return_Address ;*HMKey 080957130019 2 Default Dialer Codes =Default_Dialer_Codes ;*HMKey 080957130020 2 Default Open Windows =Default_Open_Windows ;*HMKey 080957130021 2 Directories =Directories ;*HMKey 080957130022 1 Names Page 2 Names Section =Names_Section ;*HMKey 080957130023 2 Names List =Names_List ;*HMKey 080957130024 2 Names Form =Names_Form ;*HMKey 080957130025 2 Names Form: General =Names_Form_General ;*HMKey 080957130026 2 Names Form: Phone Numbers =Names_Form_Phone_Numbers ;*HMKey 080957130027 2 Names Form: Relationships =Names_Form_Relationships ;*HMKey 080957130028 2 Names Form: Dependants =Names_Form_Dependants ;*HMKey 080957130029 2 Names Form: Dates =Names_Form_Dates ;*HMKey 080957130030 2 Names Form: Comments =Names_Form_Comments ;*HMKey 080957130031 2 Names Form: Image =Names_Form_Image ;*HMKey 080957130032 1 Business Page 2 Business Section =Business_Section ;*HMKey 080957130033 2 Business List =Business_List ;*HMKey 080957130034 2 Business Form =Business_Form ;*HMKey 080957130035 2 Business Form: General =Business_Form_General ;*HMKey 080957130036 2 Business Form: Contacts =Business_Form_Contacts ;*HMKey 080957130037 2 Business Form: Phones =Business_Form_Phones ;*HMKey 080957130038 2 Business Form: Comments =Business_Form_Comments ;*HMKey 080957130039 1 Emergency Agency Page 2 Emergency Section =Emergency_Section ;*HMKey 080957130040 2 Emergency Number Form =Emergency_Form ;*HMKey 080957130042 2 Emergency Number Form: General =Emergency_Form_General ;*HMKey 080957130043 2 Emergency Phone Number List =Emergency_List ;*HMKey 080957130041 2 Emergency Number Form: Comments =Emergency_Form_Comments ;*HMKey 080957130044 1 Miscellaneous Features 2 Query-By-Example Wizard =QueryByExample_Wizard ;*HMKey 080957130045 2 Dialing =Dialing ;*HMKey 080957130046 2 Appointments =Appointments ;*HMKey 080957130047 1 Reports 2 Reports =Reports ;*HMKey 080957130048 1 Registering, Customer Support, Legal Items 2 Registering =Registering ;*HMKey 080957130049 2 Registration Form =Registration_Form ;*HMKey 080957130052 2 Customer Support =Customer_Support ;*HMKey 080957130050 2 Legal Stuff =Legal_Stuff ;*HMKey 080957130051