DiskSweep for Windows Version 1.02 Elite High Technology, Inc. Copyright 1993, 1994, All Rights Reserved ************************************************************************* Current Revision Information The overall revision is 1.02. This is a maintenance release, fixing some serious problems in backing up and restoring data. There are no new features. Registered users are still entitled to the next major release at no cost. DSWTSR.EXE = Version 1.2 Level Moderate Fixes problem where the TSR could not correctly restore large sweep files which spread across > 1 floppy. Effect The new TSR works correctly. DSWEEP.EXE = Version 1.02 Level Severe Fixes Problem when backing up large files which did not fit entirely on a single floppy. Sometimes the data would be truncated. Effect There is no remedy if data is truncated on the floppy. This only happens when files are spread across floppies. Level Moderate Fixes Problem when doing a manual restore of a file that crossed a floppy onto another. The second floppy did not correctly load. Effect The new version automatically fixes this. Level Moderate Fixes Problem of incorrectly tagging files that spread across more than one floppy. This results in the automatic restore feature being broken. Effect Previously swept files will not manually restore but a manual restore via the Load and Restore mechanism will still work. ************************************************************************* Installation To install this program, insert this floppy into either the A: or B: drive. From Windows, in the Program Manager, run the SETUP.EXE program on the installation floppy. To do this pull down the File menu and select Run from that menu. In the dialog box, fill in A:SETUP or B:SETUP, depending on which drive the floppy is inserted into. Compatibility PCTools' DiskFix program is incompatible with DiskSweep. DiskFix will mistakenly detect corrupted directory structures and ERASE the entire hard disk. Do not run DiskFix with DiskSweep installed. On some machines, the use of FASTOPEN will cause Windows to freeze when DiskSweep is also running. If you see this happening, stop using FASTOPEN. There are no other known incompatibilities at this time.