Window's Programming - learn from other people experiences ---------------------------------------------------------- June, 22nd, 1992 Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Hestermeyer Tech. Univ. of Braunschweig Inst. of Data Processing Equipment Hans-Sommer Strasse 66 3300 Braunschweig - GERMANY I might not be the only one who sometimes would like to have some more information when running into real tricky problems with 'programming windows'. We have developed a huge package of code for ground support of scientific space systems and really had to go into the heart of WINDOW's. We had to learn how to code interrupt routines under Windows, how to protect segments against being discarded etc. I think that many other program development teams might run into the same and similar problems and that it is time to have a forum on internet to discuss these problems and to learn from each other. Therefore I propose a kind of 'Windows Programming News' magazine which could be published here at CICA on a monthly basis or so. It should contain questions and solutions to problems or hints were specific solutions can be found. Anybody who is interested in contributing to such a magazine should send his questions, solutions to problems he had etc. to me via email. If I receive response, I would collect the incoming things and place it on CICA in files as 'WPNEWSXX.TXT' where XX would be the actual week of the year. Since not many people seem to have access to the INTERNET news system, I guess that CICA is the best place to discuss Windows programming matters. Here is my address on various networks : INTERNET : COMPUSERVE : > SPAN : AMES::""