WELCOME TO OBJECTVISION 2.0 --------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1991 Borland International All Rights Reserved This README file contains important, last-minute information about ObjectVision 2.0. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Installation 2. Documentation Changes 3. Printer Drivers 4. .DLL Files 5. Non-ASCII Sort Order 1. INSTALLATION --------------- When using Windows 386 Enhanced Mode, the installation program may indicate that there is insufficient disk space to install ObjectVision due to the Windows swap file. Although you may have sufficient disk space when Windows is not running, Windows allocates some of this space for its own use. To install ObjectVision in this situation, you should run Windows in Standard Mode by typing "win /s" at the DOS prompt. Do not attempt to run the install program from a network drive. To install ObjectVision from a network, first copy INSTALL.EXE and OV2.LZ to a local drive. Start INSTALL on the local drive and then specify the network drive as the source location for the remaining files. 2. DOCUMENTATION CHANGES ------------------------ 2.1 Errors in the "Getting Started" manual: - On page 21, the paragraphs at the bottom of the page that describe Print Form and Print All omitted this sentence: "When a form contains a table object, the total number of forms printed depends on the number of values in the link. Print Form and Print All print the entire contents of a table object." - On page 22, the second sentence in the first paragraph should be deleted. Instead, this sentence should be included: "You can't use @PRINTLINK with a link to a table object; those linknames do not appear in the list of links to print." - On page 68, Table 4.4 should be moved to page 56, where readers are instructed to add the other fields to the sample application. "Sales Order" should be removed from the list in Table 4.4, and the second line in Table 4.4 should read: "Contact Name" "Tax Exempt" - In the paragraph below Table 4.4, the last sentence should read: "If you've entered any values in the fields, choose Edit|Clear All to clear them from the form." 2.2 Errors in the "Reference Guide" manual: - On page 47, the description of a scroll bar on a table is incomplete. It should read: "The scroll box in the scroll bar will be in one of three positions. It is at the top when there is no linked data above the table. It is at the bottom when there is no linked data below the table. Otherwise, it is in the middle." - On page 141, the description of @LINKVALUE should have only one argument--"DataField." "LinkName" should be removed from the argument list, the sentence that describes "LinkName" should be deleted, and the Examples should have each instance of "Customers" deleted from the argument list. - On page 155, the description of @PRINTLINK should include the sentence: "You can't use @PRINTLINK with a link to a table object. The link won't appear in the list of links to print." - On page 228, the description of the Btrieve DEC field type should read: "The number is stored as a packed decimal." - On page 229, the description of the Btrieve MONEY field type should read: "The number is stored as a packed decimal." 3. PRINTER DRIVERS ------------------ If you experience long print times, improved drivers may be available that reduce print times considerably. If the most recent drivers aren't in your copy of Windows 3.0, you can order the "Windows 3.0 Supplemental Driver Library" software from Microsoft for a nominal charge by calling (800) 426-9400. These drivers are also available on CompuServe. Just type GO MSCON and scan for the keyword SDL in the Microsoft Software Library. 4. .DLL FILES ------------- When you install ObjectVision, the .DLL files for the Paradox Engine and Novell's Btrieve are placed in your ObjectVision directory. However, .DLL files you get from other sources might be different versions that are placed in different directories. Only one .DLL gets loaded into memory. If there are multiple versions on your disk, the first one loaded is the one that is used. This can cause problems when an application needs a later version of the .DLL but an earlier version is already loaded. In a situation like this, the application won't run properly. When ObjectVision loads the .DLL, it will look first in its own directory, then the Windows directory, and then any directory in your PATH statement. Use the date stamp on the .DLL file to decide which is most recent version. If there is an earlier version of the DLL in the Windows directory, overwrite it. If there is a later version in the Windows directory, just delete the version in ObjectVision's directory. If there are copies of the .DLL in other directories, place the most recent one in the Windows directory. If you are using Windows 3.1, you should delete the following .DLL files from your ObjectVision directory: OLECLI.DLL SHELL.DLL 5. NON-ASCII SORT ORDER ----------------------- Before using existing Paradox or Btrieve tables with non-ASCII sort orders, open the Control Panel's International icon and choose the language and country settings that match the table's sort order. When you create Paradox or Btrieve tables with ObjectVision, your current language and country settings are automatically used.