$Unique_ID{BRK03241} $Pretitle{} $Title{minoxidil (topical)} $Subject{topical Rogaine Upjohn Hair growth stimulant minoxidil stimulate balding crown head blood supply follicles} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (C) 1993 Publications International, Ltd. minoxidil (topical) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRAND NAME (Manufacturer) Rogaine (Upjohn) TYPE OF DRUG Hair growth stimulant INGREDIENT minoxidil DOSAGE FORM 2% solution (20 mg per ml); 60 ml bottle STORAGE Minoxidil topical solution should be stored at room temperature in a tightly closed container. It should be kept away from heat or flames because the solution is flammable (it contains alcohol). USES Minoxidil topical solution is used to stimulate hair growth in men who are balding. The drug seems to exert its maximum effect at the crown of the head. The exact way that it works is not known, but it may stimulate hair growth by improving the blood supply to the hair follicles. TREATMENT Before applying topical minoxidil, the hair and scalp should be dry. To avoid skin irritation from the alcohol contained in this product, wait at least 30 minutes after washing or shaving before applying this medication to the scalp. The evening dose of medication should be applied at least 30 minutes before bedtime for more complete absorption of the medication into the scalp. This will prevent the medication from rubbing onto the pillowcase. Complete directions for the use of this product are supplied with the medication. Be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist for these directions, and follow the instructions carefully. The solution is packaged with three applicators that can be used to apply the solution directly to the scalp. Apply 1 ml to the balding areas of the scalp twice daily (in the morning and evening), unless directed to do otherwise by your doctor. Six sprays with either of the spray applicators deliver a 1-ml dose. The rub-on applicator delivers a 1-ml dose when the bottle is squeezed to fill the top chamber to the black line. The full amount in the chamber should then be applied to the scalp. The total daily dosage should not exceed 2 ml. If finger tips are used to apply the solution, wash hands afterwards to avoid spreading the medication to the eyes or other parts of the body. Two daily applications for up to 4 months may be required before evidence of hair regrowth is observed. The onset and degree of hair regrowth may be variable among different patients treated with this medicine. If hair regrowth occurs, two daily applications are necessary for additional and continued hair growth (unless your doctor directs otherwise). First hair growth may be soft, downy, colorless hair that is barely visible. After further treatment, the new hair should be the same color and thickness as the other hair on the scalp. If one or two applications are missed, restart twice daily applications and return to the usual schedule. Do not attempt to make up for missed doses. It is important to continue to use this medication for the entire time prescribed by your doctor, even if hair growth does not appear within several months. If there is no hair growth after at least four months or more, consult with your doctor, as this medication may not be effective for you. SIDE EFFECTS Minor. Diarrhea, dry skin/scalp, flaking, itching, local redness, nausea, or vomiting. These side effects should disappear as your body adjusts to the medication. Major. Tell your doctor about any side effects that are persistent or particularly bothersome. IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR about back pain, chest pain, cough, cold, dizziness, faintness, light-headedness, rapid heart beat, fluid retention, headache, weight gain, or worsening of hair loss. INTERACTIONS Use of abrasive or medicated cleansers, medicated cleaners, medicated cosmetics, or any topical, alcohol-containing preparations (such as after-shave lotions or cologne) along with topical minoxidil solution can result in excessive skin dryness and irritation. WARNINGS * Tell your doctor about unusual or allergic reactions you have had to any medications, especially to minoxidil. * Before starting to use this medication, be sure to tell your doctor if you now have or if you have ever had heart disease, high blood pressure, or skin problems, such as dermatitis or local abrasions. * Because this medication contains alcohol, it can cause skin irritation to sensitive areas. You should, therefore, avoid getting this medication in your eyes, nose, or mouth, or in areas surrounding scratches or burns. * Do not apply minoxidil to other areas of the body because absorption of the drug may be increased and the risk of side effects may become greater; do not use along with other topical medication on your scalp, unless directed to do so by your doctor. * Avoid inhaling the spray mist. * If treatment is stopped, new hair growth will probably be shed within a few months. * More frequent applications or use of larger doses (more than 1 ml twice daily) will not speed up the process of hair growth and may increase the possibility of side effects. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.