$Unique_ID{BRK03195} $Pretitle{} $Title{isosorbide dinitrate} $Subject{Dilatrate-SR Reed Carnrick Iso-Bid Geriatric Isordil Tembids Titradose Wyeth-Ayerst dinitrate Isotrate Timecelles Hauck Sorbitrate ICI Pharma SA Antianginal isosorbide vasodilator relaxes muscle blood vessels oxygen supply heart angina chest pain} $Volume{} $Log{ Isordil*0319501.scf} Copyright (C) 1993 Publications International, Ltd. isosorbide dinitrate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRAND NAMES (Manufacturers) Dilatrate-SR (Reed & Carnrick) Iso-Bid (Geriatric) Isordil Tembids (Wyeth-Ayerst) Isordil Titradose (Wyeth-Ayerst) isosorbide dinitrate (various manufacturers) Isotrate Timecelles (Hauck) Sorbitrate (ICI Pharma) Sorbitrate SA (ICI Pharma) TYPE OF DRUG Antianginal INGREDIENT isosorbide dinitrate DOSAGE FORMS Tablets (5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, and 40 mg) Chewable tablets (5 mg and 10 mg) Sublingual tablets (2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg) Sustained-release tablets (40 mg) Sustained-release capsules (40 mg) STORAGE Isosorbide dinitrate tablets and capsules should be stored in a cool, dry place. This medication loses potency when exposed to heat or moisture. USES Isosorbide dinitrate is a vasodilator that relaxes the muscle of the blood vessels, leading to an increase in the oxygen supply to the heart. It is used to relieve (chewable and sublingual tablets) or to prevent (oral tablets and capsules) angina (chest pain). The chewable and sublingual tablets act quickly; they can be used to relieve chest pain after it has begun. The oral tablets and capsules do not act quickly; they are used only to prevent angina attacks. TREATMENT Take the chewable or sublingual forms of this medication at the first sign of an angina attack. DO NOT WAIT for the attack to become severe. Then sit down. These tablets are absorbed more completely through the lining of the mouth than from the stomach. Your mouth should be empty when you take these tablets. Do not eat, drink, or smoke with a tablet in your mouth. If the pain of an attack continues, you can take another tablet after five minutes, and a third tablet after another five minutes. If three tablets provide no relief within 15 minutes, CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY or go to the nearest hospital. The chewable tablet should be chewed for at least two minutes before swallowing. Place the sublingual tablet under the tongue or against the cheek and allow it to dissolve--DO NOT CHEW OR SWALLOW IT. Do not swallow until the drug is dissolved, and do not rinse your mouth for several minutes (this gives a greater opportunity for the drug to be absorbed through the lining of the mouth). The regular tablets and the sustained-release forms of this medication should be taken with a full glass of water on an empty stomach. The sustained-release forms should be swallowed whole. Breaking, crushing, or chewing these tablets or capsules destroys their sustained-release activity and possibly increases the side effects. If you are taking this medication on a regular schedule, try not to miss any doses. If you do miss a dose, take the missed dose as soon as possible, unless it is within two hours of the next dose (or six hours for the sustained-release forms). In that case, do not take the missed dose at all; return to your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the next dose. Some doctors may recommend using this medication to prevent an anginal attack before expected physical or emotional stress. Discuss this with your doctor. SIDE EFFECTS Minor. Dizziness, flushing, headache, light-headedness, nausea, or vomiting. These side effects should disappear as your body adjusts to the medication. If you feel dizzy or light-headed, sit or lie down for a while; get up slowly from a sitting or reclining position, and be careful on stairs. To avoid dizziness or light-headedness when you stand, contract and relax the muscles of your legs for a few moments before rising. Do this by pushing one foot against the floor while raising the other foot slightly, alternating feet so that you are "pumping" your legs in a pedaling motion. Acetaminophen may help relieve headaches caused by this medication. Major. Tell your doctor about any side effects that are persistent or particularly bothersome. IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR about fainting spells, palpitations, rash, restlessness, sweating, or unusual weakness. INTERACTIONS Isosorbide dinitrate can interact with other types of drugs: 1. Isosorbide dinitrate, in combination with alcohol, can lead to dizziness and fainting. 2. Over-the-counter (nonprescription) sinus, allergy, cough, cold, asthma, and diet products can block the antiangina effects of isosorbide dinitrate. BE SURE TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR about any medications you are currently taking, especially any of those listed above. WARNINGS * Tell your doctor about unusual or allergic reactions you have had to any medications, especially to isosorbide dinitrate or to any other nitrate-containing drugs (such as nitroglycerin). * Before starting to take this medication, tell your doctor if you have ever had severe anemia, glaucoma, a heart attack, or thyroid disease. * Before using this medication to relieve chest pain, be certain that the pain arises from the heart and is not due to a muscle spasm or to indigestion. If your chest pain is not relieved by use of this drug, or if pain arises from a different location or differs in severity, CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. * If this drug makes you dizzy or light-headed, do not take part in any activity that requires alertness, such as driving a car or operating potentially dangerous machinery. * Before having surgery or any other medical or dental treatment, be sure to tell your doctor or dentist that you are taking this medication. * Tolerance to this medication may develop. If the drug begins to lose its effectiveness, contact your doctor. * Isosorbide dinitrate should not be discontinued unless you first consult your doctor. Stopping the drug abruptly may lead to further chest pain. Your doctor may, therefore, want to decrease your dosage gradually. * If you have frequent diarrhea, you may not be absorbing the sustained-release form of this medication. Discuss this with your doctor. * Be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant. Although this drug appears to be safe, extensive studies in pregnant women have not been conducted. Also, tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding an infant. It is not known whether isosorbide dinitrate passes into breast milk. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.