$Unique_ID{BRK03140} $Pretitle{} $Title{enalapril} $Subject{Vasotec Merck Sharp Dohme Antihypertensive enalapril high blood pressure vasodilator blood vessels chemicals} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (C) 1993 Publications International, Ltd. enalapril ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRAND NAME (Manufacturer) Vasotec (Merck Sharp & Dohme) TYPE OF DRUG Antihypertensive INGREDIENT enalapril DOSAGE FORM Tablets (2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg) STORAGE Store enalapril at room temperature in a tightly closed container. USES Enalapril is used to treat high blood pressure. It is a vasodilator (it widens the blood vessels) that acts by blocking the production of chemicals that may be responsible for constricting or narrowing the blood vessels. TREATMENT Enalapril can be taken either on an empty stomach or with food if it causes stomach irritation. To become accustomed to taking this medication, try to take it at the same time(s) every day. It may be several weeks before you notice the full effects of this medication. If you miss a dose of enalapril, take the missed dose as soon as possible, unless it is almost time for the next dose. In that case, do not take the missed dose at all; just wait until the next scheduled dose. Do not double the dose. Enalapril does not cure high blood pressure, but it will help to control the condition as long as you continue to take the medication. SIDE EFFECTS Minor. Abdominal pain, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, heartburn, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, sweating, or vomiting. These side effects should disappear as your body adjusts to the medication. To avoid dizziness when you stand, contract and relax the muscles of your legs for a few moments before rising. Do this by alternately pushing one foot against the floor while lifting the other foot slightly. Major. Tell your doctor about any side effects that are persistent or particularly bothersome. IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR about chest pain; difficulty in breathing; fainting; fever; itching; light-headedness (especially during the first few days); muscle cramps; palpitations; rash; sore throat; swelling of the face, eyes, lips, or tongue; tingling in the fingers or toes; or yellowing of the eyes or skin. INTERACTIONS Enalapril interacts with several other types of medications: 1. Diuretics (water pills) and other antihypertensive medications can cause an excessive drop in blood pressure when they are combined with enalapril (especially with the first dose). 2. The combination of enalapril with spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride, potassium supplements, or salt substitutes can lead to hyperkalemia (dangerously high levels of potassium in the bloodstream). Before starting to take enalapril, BE SURE TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR about any medications you are currently taking, especially any of those listed above. WARNINGS * Tell your doctor about unusual or allergic reactions you have had to any medications, especially to enalapril. * Tell your doctor if you now have or if you have ever had blood disorders, heart failure, renal disease, or systemic lupus erythematosus. * Excessive perspiration, dehydration, or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea can lead to an excessive drop in blood pressure while you are taking this medication. Contact your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. * Before having surgery or other medical or dental treatment, tell your doctor or dentist you are taking this drug. * If this drug makes you dizzy or drowsy, do not take part in any activity that requires alertness, such as driving a car or operating potentially dangerous equipment. * If you have high blood pressure, do not take any over-the-counter (nonprescription) medications for weight control or for asthma, sinus, cough, cold, or allergy problems unless you first check with your doctor. * Be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant. Drugs in the same class as enalapril have been shown to cause birth defects, including kidney damage, low blood pressure, improper skull development, and death, when taken in the second and third trimesters. Also, tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding an infant. It is not yet known if enalapril passes into human breast milk. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.