$Unique_ID{BRK02476} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Is Puppets Disease?} $Subject{puppets disease happy puppet children paroxysms laughter jerky puppet like electroencephalography eeg mental infantile epilepsy prednisone ethosuximide condition conditions brain central nervous system child care caring laugh jerk infant} $Volume{E-1,S-1} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Is Puppets Disease? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Recently my great granddaughter who will be three years old has been diagnosed as having "Puppets" disease. I have never heard of it before. She doesn't speak and is just starting to walk. She is a pleasant child but has other problems. She has had 10-12 occasions during the day when she is out of it for a few seconds, staring into space. What can you tell me about this disease? I would appreciate your answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: This condition is known as the "Happy Puppet" or "Puppet Children". The name is based upon the fact that these children are easily provoked into prolonged paroxysms of laughter, and that they move with jerky, puppet like motions. Along with a variety of alterations in the shape of the skull, the diagnosis is based upon a pattern of waves found during electroencephalography (EEG). Unfortunately, mental deficiency forms part of this syndrome. Although the cause of the disease remains unclear, it is considered to be a rare form of infantile epilepsy. It can be treated with prednisone (a cortisone like medication) and ethosuximide (an anticonvulsant medication). Improvement is frequently seen with these medications but may be temporary. The condition was first reported in the literature in 1965 by Dr. H. Angelman who discussed three cases. The name "happy puppet" was coined by Drs. B.D. Bowen and P.M. Jeavons in 1967. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.