$Unique_ID{BRK02468} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Is Thrombophlebitis?} $Subject{phlebitis vein thrombophlebitis thrombus clot varicose veins valves calf leg deep dvt heparin coumadin blood clotting circulatory system clots calves legs valve} $Volume{G-4} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Is Thrombophlebitis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: What can you tell me about phlebitis? This situation has come up several times in the last few weeks among some of my friends, and I am worried. If it occurs in one vein, say on the leg, is it likely to occur in another place? I find your column very educational, and hope you will choose to use this question. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Phlebitis, or perhaps more precisely "thrombophlebitis," is a condition in which a "thrombus" or clot forms in a vein. It is the second most common problem of the vein that brings a patient to the doctor's office, the first most common being varicose veins. And varicose veins can be one of the factors that lead to thrombophlebitis. The clot can form on any of the many valves that exist within the vein, and most commonly occur in the veins of the calf. There are two type of phlebitis, deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT) which is the more serious of the two, and superficial phlebitis. DVT may occur without any symptoms at all, or by variable combinations of pain, tenderness, swelling and discoloration, while the superficial variety can usually be felt, and produces an inflammatory reaction. This is revealed by pain and tenderness, redness and warmth in the area. Thrombophlebitis can be the result of any prolonged bedrest required by a chronic disease such as heart failure, stroke of the trauma of an accident. Even a healthy person can fall victim to phlebitis after a long trip, during which the legs remain immobilized in a dependent position for a longtime. While deep thrombosis may lead to death due to the passage of the clot to the lungs, superficial thrombophlebitis usually provokes no serious complications. The treatment of DVT is therefore intense, using medications (heparin or coumadin) that prevent the blood from clotting. By comparison, superficial phlebitis requires only measures to reduce the discomfort. Hot soaks over the clot, plus nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), are all that is necessary and neither hospitalization nor antibiotics are indicated. The presence of a phlebitis in one leg is not usually associated with clots in any other part of the body, nor an indication that these clots may reoccur. However, if varicose veins are considered to be a part of the problem the use of elastic stockings or even surgery may be considered. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.