$Unique_ID{BRK02453} $Pretitle{} $Title{What Can Be Done for Headaches?} $Subject{headaches pain relieve migraine cluster muscle contraction trigger factors life style headache preventative measures ill defined symptoms symptom lifestyle lifestyles styles medication medications treatment treatments relief migraines factor triggers} $Volume{N-1,R-1} $Log{ Temporal Arteritis Headaches*0003901.scf Classic Migraine Headaches*0003902.scf Common Migraine Headaches*0003903.scf Tension Headaches*0003904.scf Cluster Headaches*0003905.scf} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What Can Be Done for Headaches? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: For years I have been beset with serious headaches that just about put me out of commission. My doctors, and there have been several, have all tried to help with a variety of medicines, some that have helped, and others with no effect at all. My girl friend says it is time I took matters in my own hands, and tried to prevent these attacks. Is this really possible and if so what should I be doing differently? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Of the many, many problems brought to the physician's attention, none is more frequent than the complaint of headache. It is estimated that from 65 percent to 80 percent of our population suffer at least one significant headache annually, and about half of these people have one or more severe headaches a month. Yet with all these sufferers, headaches are difficult to evaluate and the treatments are not always as successful as you might wish. Usually the first priority of treatment is to relieve the pain, but there are many opportunities to change factors in your daily living that can do much to prevent the headache from ever occurring. Much depends upon the type of headache that troubles you, as each type, migraine, cluster or muscle-contraction headache, requires a different strategy. There are some general rules, however, that may help with each kind. Try to discover the activity or situation that may be precipitating the headache. These "trigger" factors should then be modified or eliminated from your life style. It might be a food, or an alcoholic drink (red wine for example), which is the offending culprit, and which must be dropped from your diet. Stress is always an important element in those who suffer from headaches, and relaxation techniques, biofeedback and even yoga training may help reduce your tension. Lack of sleep, and in some cases too much sleep, may also trigger a headache, for proper rest is always an important factor for good health. You might also want to check your medicines. While narcotics are important medications to combat acute pain, they are not desirable in the management of a patient with chronic recurring headaches. One other important point. If you are suffering from migraine headaches, with more than three attacks a month, your physician might wish to consider offering you prophylactic treatment, with medications that are proven effective in preventing your type of headache attacks. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.