$Unique_ID{BRK02405} $Pretitle{} $Title{Should Parents Be Aloud To Stay in Emergency Rooms with Their Children?} $Subject{emergency room hospital hospitals child parent children er rooms parents accidents kid kids accident} $Volume{W-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Should Parents Be Aloud To Stay in Emergency Rooms with their Children? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Recently our little girl fell and was taken to the emergency room at our local hospital. Though the wound was not serious, she did need stitches. I wanted to stay by her side to comfort her during the procedure but the doctor made it very clear that he did not wish me to stay. Is this the routine in most emergency rooms, or was it just that this doctor didn't want me around? Are there any special rules that prevent a mother from staying with her child, or could I have stayed if I insisted? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I am unaware of any generally accepted rules that would apply to all hospitals, and believe that each case is probably judged individually. The circumstances would depend upon the age of the child, the seriousness of the procedure, and perhaps the emotional state of the parent. Many parents feel that their children want them by their sides during the anxiety provoking experiences of an emergency room visit, and feel that their presence will help to calm the child. In some cases a desire to know what is going on will motivate a parent to remain in the treatment room. For the most part, it is probable that the ER staff would permit a calm parent to remain during a minor procedure, injections, laceration repairs, splinting or bandaging, but would ask a parent to leave if the situation was more complicated. Available space might be a consideration. If there was insufficient space available (when several nurses and doctors are needed to treat the child) or if they felt the parent would become anxious during the treatment, a parent could be asked to remain in the waiting room or other suitable room often provided for families. In the situation you describe, it may have been the actions of the doctor more than his words that gave you the impression that he wished you to leave. In that case, you could have asked to stay, and if the situation was under control, would probably have been permitted to remain with your child during her treatment. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.