$Unique_ID{BRK02391} $Pretitle{} $Title{If My Cholesterol Is Low Do I Still Need a Healthier Diet?} $Subject{cholesterol level eat diet preventive maintenance hdl ldl plaque hardening arteries foods heart disease high blood pressure low high density lipoprotein lipoproteins cholesterin levels diets artery food nutrition} $Volume{D-26} $Log{ How Cholesterol Levels Affect the Arteries*0002701.scf} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. If My Cholesterol Is Low Do I Still Need a Healthier Diet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have read, many times, that a level of cholesterol of 200 is considered good. I guess I am pretty lucky in that my level is 205. I am otherwise in good health and like to eat whatever I desire, but my wife keeps insisting that I still maintain a healthful diet. Now is all this fuss really necessary? If it isn't broken, why fix it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I suppose this answer comes under the classification of "preventive maintenance". I know you believe that the 205 is almost as good as a 200, but the American Heart Association recommends that anyone with a level that is over 200 consult their physician for advice. You might need to determine the ratio of the HDL (good) cholesterol to the LDL (bad) cholesterol, for that too is an important consideration in removing the cholesterol plaque that leads to hardening of the arteries. More important, your letter carries the impression that the numbers are more important than the state of health. While you may be under control, or nearly, keep on the road of eating anything anytime and that glowing picture may soon change. There are foods that are virtual booby traps, loaded with cholesterol, that can easily be avoided. It takes just a bit of educated concern and a tad of attention; and you can maintain your present level, or even lower it to a truly enviable level of 200 or below. Cholesterol levels are just one of several risk factors you might wish to consider in evaluating your present state of health. They include your own family history, and whether or not other members of your family have suffered from heart disease of high blood pressure. They are good indicators that you may have to pay a bit more attention to diet, than you seem to be doing at present. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.