$Unique_ID{BRK02364} $Pretitle{} $Title{Should Throat Cultures Always Be Performed for Strep Throat?} $Subject{throat culture medication prescription penicillin strep throats infection throat bacteria infection infections infected virus viral streptococcal streptococcus cultures medications child children} $Volume{A-6,R-6,S-6} $Log{ Symptoms of Influenza and Strep Throat*0008501.scf} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Should Throat Cultures Always Be Performed for Strep Throat? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: As young mothers often do, I was comparing the treatment of my 5 year old son to that given to a 6 year old son of my friend. Though both children were diagnosed with sore throats, my doctor did not require a throat culture, while my girlfriend's son did not get a prescription for medication until the results were back. Does that mean that the penicillin my child received was the wrong treatment? Your comments would be most helpful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The controversy over the best means of diagnosing strep throats is a never ending one. All physicians seem to agree that patients treated for a strep infection of the throat have less complications that those that are not, but throat cultures are not always accurate. The fact is they may be negative even when the infection is caused by the strep bacteria, so throat cultures can not always be relied on. Most doctors examine their patients carefully and, depending upon their findings, make the decision to treat immediately or to do further tests. If it is obvious from the examination that the child is likely to have a strep throat, then treatment can begin at once. It is the young patient, where the findings are unclear, that benefits from having a throat culture, reserving treatment for those with positive cultures. I would imagine that this is exactly what has happened with both of your children. Most doctors today are extremely sensitive to medical costs and to the sometimes potential dangers that exist from dispensing medications too freely without strong enough medical evidence to support their use. Your question helps me make another important point. Always remember that in medicine today there is usually more than one way to correctly treat the same condition. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.