$Unique_ID{BRK02339} $Pretitle{} $Title{Why Are Calcification Spots on Chest X-Rays Nothing to Worry About?} $Subject{infection infections lung lungs x-rays x-ray film spot spots calcification calcifications mycobacterium tuberculosis tb immune system immunity chest} $Volume{A-5,U-5} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Why Are Calcification Spots on Chest X-Rays Nothing to Worry About? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: During the course of an annual physical, a chest x-ray was reported as having a "spot" on it. The doctor told me that it was a "calcification" and that meant it was nothing to worry about it, but nevertheless, it is still causing me some concern. Can you explain what it is and why the doctor didn't seem concerned? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: A spot on the lung may have many interpretations, but when that spot is diagnosed as a calcification it indicates something good rather than bad. Your doctor is right, you really have nothing to worry about, and perhaps my answer will explain why. The chances are that many years ago, perhaps as a child, you were exposed to tuberculosis. But, as is the case in many of us, your body defenses were strong enough to fight off the invading infection, and you probably were never aware of the battle going on inside you. However, a small part of your lung tissue was affected, and was damaged by the infection. Your own immune responses were sufficient to overcome the infection. During the long healing process which followed, this tissue was filled with calcium salts, one of the body's healing mechanisms, and became visible to the probing rays of the x-ray apparatus. The calcification is a sign that you have great body immunity against TB and will probably never contract the disease again. Now I am basing my story upon the fact that your doctor recognized this. There may be other reasons for calcifications, but they are not part of your case. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.