$Unique_ID{BRK02329} $Pretitle{} $Title{Are Bites from People Worse than Animal Bites?} $Subject{accidents violence mouth teeth humans human bites bite biting tetanus shot shots animal animals infection infections infected accident} $Volume{O-11} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Are Bites from People Worse than Animal Bites? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We were a bit puzzled by the statement of a doctor, who was giving a talk at our community center, when he stated that we have more to fear from the bite of a human than we do from an animal bite. Was this a bit of melodramatic over emphasis or do you too believe that human bite is more dangerous? I would very much like to know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Yes, I agree with your lecturer, such bites are more likely to become infected than those from animals, and from that point of view are more dangerous. Every year about 60 out of each 100,000 (mostly young males) people are bitten by other humans. Bites most frequently occur in summer and on weekends. They often result from fights. Hands are the most likely sites for bites. Additionally, abused children often have bites on various parts of their bodies. Some bites are even self-induced, as with children who suck their fingers. In treating bites from humans, wounds are cleaned thoroughly, tetanus shots (if the patient has not had one recently), penicillin and other potent drugs are administered, and the area affected often is immobilized and elevated for some time. Doctors usually require patients to return for observation several times as complications from human bites occur frequently and can be decidedly serious. Also, doctors may require more detailed information about the person who inflicted the bite, as they may have infections they could be passed on. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.