$Unique_ID{BRK02082} $Pretitle{} $Title{Symptoms of and Treatments for Sexual Addiction} $Subject{sex addiction sexual abuse masturbation prostitutes prostitution molestation child molesting mental health sexual relations sexual intercourse sexual behavior group therapy uncontrollable desire} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Symptoms of and Treatments for Sexual Addiction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I know that a driving need for tobacco and drugs is considered a medical condition that can be called an addiction. I also know that treatment is available for such people. However, when a man just can't get enough sex, when it is the only thing on his mind night and day, can that be called an addiction as well? Is there any treatment for this? Your reply is very important to me and I hope you will answer me soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: When the desire for sex becomes uncontrollable and constant, it most certainly can be classified as an addiction. Surprisingly it is estimated that perhaps as many as 1 out of every 16 people may be affected, although not nearly that number seek the help that is available. About half of those who do seek assistance and counseling are married, and about 2/3 are college graduates. Many addicts were sexually abused as children, and their behavior provides them with a temporary release from the anxiety, loneliness, and feelings of low personal esteem which are deeply rooted in their beings. Their intense desires may not be satisfied with frequent relations with their partners but lead them to other activities to gain the sexual gratification they need, such as masturbation, as much as several times a day. Others seek prostitutes, become involved in affairs, molest children and expose themselves. Though they realize that these actions are wrong, they are unable to stop, even when they do want to avoid such behavior. Often they resist any attempts to discuss the problem, yet they most certainly can profit from the proper help. The most common type of therapy for sexual addiction involves group therapy. Within the peer group, they can face their difficulties, discuss their problems more openly, and find the support of others who are fighting the same compulsions. You may find the direction to the proper facilities for treatment by asking your physician for a referral, checking with the mental health division of your local hospital, or checking with the mental health resources that are frequently listed under the government agencies in your telephone directory. The fact that help is available, and that the problem is known and understood, can be the factors that convince the patient to make the decision to seek assistance. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.