$Unique_ID{BRK02043} $Pretitle{} $Title{Dealing with Elderly Drivers} $Subject{driving hazards driving hazard driving ability old age aging elderly drivers elderly driver vision sight eyesight stiff joints weak muscles slow reflexes travel driver's license accident accidents} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Dealing with Elderly Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am very worried about my father's continued use of his personal car. I don't think a man of his age (he is now 77) should continue to drive, and there have been some recent reports in our newspaper to prove my point. How do I go about having his license revoked? It is the only way I can think of to prevent a tragedy that I feel is just waiting to happen. Please help me and other children concerned with the welfare of their parents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I know from personal experience some of the torment you are going through. I can remember when I refused to sign off on my father's license, because his sight had failed to the point where he could no longer see sufficiently to drive. He really laced into me. "So what if I get killed? I have lived long enough!" "Yes," I replied, "but what if you kill someone else in an accident?" It was a convincing argument. Of course you are correct. Statistics do prove that older folks are involved in accidents more frequently, some because of driving errors, failure to execute turns correctly, changing lanes improperly, or driving too slowly in fast moving traffic. But the main question is the ability and physical fitness of your father at the present time. Is his vision a bit less than formerly? This is the most frequent change that comes with aging that has real impact on the ability to drive. Other physical impairments, such as stiff joints, weaker muscles and slower reflexes all can make driving more hazardous for the older patient, and those driving around him. Yet in this age of "auto-mobility", taking away this means of transportation can seriously impact Dad's quality of life. I doubt that you can have his license revoked, but you might convince him to consider attending a course designed to meet with the special needs of older drivers. The American Association of Retired Persons have a "55/Alive Mature Driving Program" that could serve you well. More information is available from local AARP Chapters or by calling their national headquarters (202-434-2277). This is one way to get your Father to think about the situation, open the topic for discussion, and perhaps get him to evaluate his own abilities in a more rational manner. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.