$Unique_ID{BRK02040} $Pretitle{} $Title{Definition and Causes of Obesity} $Subject{obese obesity body fat body weight heredity glandular diseases glandular disease hypothyroid Cushing's syndrome diet physical activity pregnancy sedentary lifestyle lifestyles} $Volume{} $Log{ Fat Distribution in the Body*0003401.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Definition and Causes of Obesity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: There have been tons of articles on why people should lose weight, but I rarely read anything about the reasons for being heavy. Sometimes it seems as if people use the word "obese" as some type of cuss word to folks that can't help it. Isn't it true that most people who are heavy have their folks to thank because it is inherited? Don't you think this question is important enough to answer in your column? Please? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It certainly is an important question when you consider the data that indicates that better than 34 million adults in the United States are obese including 12 million who are severely so. A working definition of obesity states that the amount of body fat is over 25 percent of the body weight in men and over 30 percent in women. For comparison note that at age 18, the normal percentages are 15-18 percent for men, and 20-25 percent for women. Or if you want a simpler rule, any one whose weight is 20 percent over their desirable weight based on height is considered to be obese. While heredity certainly plays an important role, it is not the only factor to be considered. Some glandular diseases, like hypothyroid and Cushing's syndrome, can be at the root cause, and medications often play a role. However life-styles, diet and physical activity are also most important. Of all obese adults, 2/3 were not heavy as children. Many women date their weight gain to pregnancy, when weight gained during the course of the pregnancy was not lost after the birth of the child. Men can blame a sedentary life-style, with notable lack of physical activity. Age also plays a role. In white women weight increases to age 65, and then starts to drop off. Black women are heavier than white women at all age levels, and black men ages 35-55 are heavier than their white counterparts. Money may have something to do with it as well, since men with incomes above the poverty level are more likely to be obese while women below the poverty level have a much higher rate of obesity. So it is clear that while our inherited genes can be an influence on our weight, obesity can be the result of many factors, all working together to put the fat on our hips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.