$Unique_ID{BRK02031} $Pretitle{} $Title{The Correct Treatment of Muscle Injuries: Hot or Cold?} $Subject{muscle injuries backs back pain warm baths heat heating pads cold ice muscle tissue circulation analgesic analgesics swelling} $Volume{} $Log{ Muscles of the Back*0005003.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. The Correct Treatment of Muscle Injuries: Hot or Cold? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Recently several of my coworkers have injured their backs in non-work related accidents, and this led to quite a bit of discussion about proper treatment. Without boring you with details, the debate boils down to this: For muscle injuries, like sore or injured (muscular, not skeletal) backs, is it best to apply heat (warm baths, heating pads) or cold (ice)? Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Not an infrequent discussion, for this question keeps coming back like a song. And I keep trying to settle all the debates. Specifically, for the condition you mention, heat is the treatment of choice. The muscle tissue have been injured and you want to increase the circulation to the area for that will speed the healing process. Two other elements of treatment are a bit of rest for those muscles and an analgesic if the pain is a bit too much to bear. Cold is indicated for those situations where there is a possibility of swelling, like an injured joint, and even that is used for but the first day following injury, after which heat is applied again to increase circulation and advance healing. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.