$Unique_ID{BRK02028} $Pretitle{} $Title{Cheilosis Around the Mouth and Possible Causes} $Subject{Cheilosis cold sore cold sores angular cheilitis ulcers herpes infection B vitamins vitamin B staph fungus perleche skin conditions lesion lesions mouth lips rash} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Cheilosis Around the Mouth and Possible Causes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I have a sore, right in the corner of my mouth, where the upper and lower lips meet. The skin is scaly and there is a crack in the skin, which is painful. I thought it was an ordinary cold sore, but it hasn't gone away and I think this I something different. Is it possible for you to tell me where this came from and what to do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: I can try, but as with so many other questions about skin conditions, it is a difficult call without actually seeing the problem. That's why I always advise an examination by your own physician, who can consider all the possibilities after a careful look at the lesion. However, it sounds like a condition known by several names including "cheilosis", or "angular cheilitis". These lesions appear at the corner of the mouth, and are marked by fissuring of the skin, erosions and shallow ulcers. There is usually some yellow or pink crusting associated with the sore. It is often confused with a herpes infection (cold sore). Cheilosis can be caused by ill fitting dentures, or lack of teeth and drooling. It might be the result of an allergy, to lipstick for example, and can be related to a deficiency of some of the B vitamins. An infection is another possible cause, either by a staph or fungus (often called perleche). The cure will depend upon an accurate diagnosis, then choosing the treatment most effective for that condition. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.