$Unique_ID{BRK02016} $Pretitle{} $Title{Advances in Birth Control Options for Men} $Subject{birth control pill men sperm male hormone male hormones testosterone gonadotropin releasing hormone GNRH analogue man fertility condoms condom vasectomy pregnancy reproduction sex contraception contraceptive research} $Volume{} $Log{ The Testes*0002907.scf Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System*0006001.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Advances in Birth Control Options for Men ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Several years ago I read that a birth control pill for men would be available in the near future. Well the near future is here but where's the pill? I think it's time for men to be as responsible for birth control as women are. Can you tell me what has happened in this field of research, and when we can expect to see the new product? Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: While there still may be a birth control pill for men available in the future, it may be further down the line than you were lead to believe, maybe as long as 10 to 20 years. Don't blame the scientists, the male biology is quite different from that of women and that distinction is the basis for the difficulty. All that is necessary in a woman's biology to prevent a pregnancy is to prevent the release of one egg per month. In a man it requires interfering with the production of sperm, something that occurs on a continuous basis in men from puberty until death. At present research is centered on the male hormone testosterone. This male hormone must be present in order for the production of sperm to take place. However scientists can inject a synthetic testosterone into the man, which the body interprets as real, and so shuts down the production of the real hormone, and that effectively stops sperm production. But that takes an injection each week. Another mechanism is also being explored. For testosterone to be produced, the brain secretes a stimulating hormone called gonadotropin releasing hormone (or GNRH for short). That in turn sets off the production of the male hormones required for sperm production. Using a chemical with a similar formula (called an analogue), the secretion of testosterone can be stopped. And with the end of sperm production goes male fertility and unfortunately his sexual desires as well. And that process requires a daily injection to be effective. The long range effects of both these methods have yet to be fully determined, although fertility returns once the regular injections are discontinued. It seems that for the foreseeable future, responsible men will have to rely on condoms, or surgery (vasectomy) if they want to undertake the responsibility for controlling the onset of pregnancy. Besides these injections have not been approved for general use, and are still merely experimental. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.