$Unique_ID{BRK02010} $Pretitle{} $Title{Misconceptions About and Treatment Of Ludwig's Angina} $Subject{Ludwig's Angina submandibular space infection infections tongue jaw cellulitis tracheostomy trachea abscess teeth angina pectoris heart edema airway abscesses heart disease choking} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Misconceptions About and Treatment Of Ludwig's Angina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: A member of my family is now in the hospital with something called "Ludwig's Angina". We have never had any heart disease in our family before and can't figure out where this came from. Can you provide some insight on this disease and its origins? Is there anything for me and my family to worry about? As you can tell we are all just a bit anxious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: You may be completely relieved to learn that there is nothing genetic (inherited) about Ludwig's Angina, and therefore nothing for you or your family to be concerned about. Furthermore, this type of angina has nothing to do with the heart (angina pectoris) but is rather a type of infection. First described by Doctor D. Ludwig, in 1836, it is known today as "submandibular space infection" as well as Ludwig's Angina. The confusion comes from the derivation of the word "angina" which means a "choking pain" descriptive of the pain experienced during an anginal attack of the heart. This is caused by the reduction in blood flow to the heart. In the case of Ludwig's the choking is caused by the swelling that comes from the infection. Frequently starting as an infection in a tooth, Ludwig's rapidly spreads through the tissues and spaces under the tongue and jaw (cellulitis). Along with the infection comes edema or swelling that can press against the airway and interfere with breathing. Sometimes the progression of the disease is so rapid that a tracheostomy is necessary to open an airway to the trachea through a small opening in the neck. Antibiotics are used to combat the infection, usually in high doses, while the patient is carefully monitored in a hospital surrounding. If necessary, a surgical incision can be made into the area of infection to drain the pus and fluid, much as with an ordinary abscess. With modern day antibiotics the treatment is usually successful. Once the tissue infection has been cured, the teeth must then be cared for to prevent any recurrence of this life threatening infection. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.