$Unique_ID{BRK02001} $Pretitle{} $Title{Dealing with Jet Lag} $Subject{jet lag circadian rhythms circadian rhythm chemical changes bodily rhythms bodily rhythm fatigue sleep schedule travel alcohol dehydration fluid fluids napping nap naps time zones time zone} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Dealing with Jet Lag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: My husband and I are finally to get that long vacation trip we have planned for many years. I am in the process of gathering all the information we need to make this a most pleasurable experience. We have one fear though, that jet lag may rob us of precious days upon arrival at our destination. Can you help us with any tips to avoid that problem? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The final decisions aren't in on the specific treatment of this common problem for long distance travelers, and though there are many theories, no one recommendation can serve as an answer your question. Jet lag is the result of rapidly changing time zones, leaving no time for our bodies to adapt to new schedules. Our bodies operate according to the schedules imposed by inner mechanisms, called "circadian rhythms". These can be clearly demonstrated for there are chemical changes which can be determined by sensitive tests, that follow a pattern of about 25 hours. They must be "reset" each day to help us maintain a normal 24 hour day, set by the rotation of the Earth. The greater the distance between your home base and your destination, the greater will be the effect of the time change on these bodily rhythms. There are a few things you might do to avoid the feeling of fatigue that is the main symptom of jet lag. Try to change your sleep schedule before you depart, turning in a few hours earlier than normal for an eastbound trip or a few hours later for a westbound voyage. Start living a schedule based on the time in your destination from the moment you board the plane by setting your watches to the new time. Eat lightly and avoid alcohol on the voyage, but drink lots of fluids. That will help to avoid the dehydration that often results from dry cabin air in planes. Avoid napping on the plane, and slip quickly into the routine of your destination by eating on schedule, and retiring at the appropriate time. A flight schedule that fits into the new schedule, and permits you to arrive at a time that allows you an hour or so before any important engagements will also help. The good news is that not everyone is affected in the same way, with some lucky travelers experiencing no discomfort at all. Hopefully, you and your husband will be among these fortunate travelers. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.