$Unique_ID{BRK01995} $Pretitle{} $Title{When is a Hysterectomy Necessary?} $Subject{Hysterectomy hysterectomies operate operation operations reason reasons surgery surgeries surgical uterus cancer cancers cancerous cervix medicine medicines medication medications treat treating treatment treatments endometriosis menstruation prolapse prolapsed vaginal vagina pessary pessaries Kegel exercise exercises cause causes causing bladder bowel fibroid fibroids benign tumor tumors muscle muscles fibrous tissue tissues} $Volume{} $Log{ Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System*0006101.scf Diseases of the Female Reproductive System*0009001.scf Partial Hysterectomy*0008602.scf Total Hysterectomy*0008601.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. When is a Hysterectomy Necessary? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I believe I have read at least a half dozen articles, usually in magazines for women, that warn about doctors pushing hysterectomies when they are not necessary. I know it is a very common operation. Now my sister is facing the decision, and I want to know what legitimate reasons exist for this operation. Can you help us out with this information? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: There are many important reasons for hysterectomy, the surgical removal of a woman's uterus. They fall into three major classifications. They may be recommended to save a life, to correct a serious problem that interferes with normal functions, and last but not least to improve the quality of a woman's life. Here are some examples. Hysterectomy is necessary to save a woman's life in the case of cancer of the uterus, which can, if not removed, spread to other areas in the body. The same is true for invasive cancer of the cervix. When medication is ineffective in the treatment of endometriosis, which can cause pain and bleeding at the time of menstruation, a hysterectomy may become the treatment of choice. In older women, the uterus often falls (prolapse) through the vaginal opening. Treatment using plastic or metal rings (pessaries) to hold the uterus in place, as well as special exercises (Kegel) may be sufficient, but when the condition progresses, causing problems with bladder control or bowel function, a hysterectomy may be the means of providing relief. One of the most common reasons for hysterectomies is a condition known as "fibroids" where benign tumors of muscle and fibrous tissue grow within and out of the wall of the uterus. These tumors can often be removed without taking out the entire uterus, especially when the woman still desires to have children. The simple answer to your question is that a hysterectomy is often the treatment of choice, but each person's problems must be considered carefully, and each situation must be looked at individually. If your sister has doubts, the correct course of action is to seek a second opinion. And always, ask the questions that trouble you (or, in this case, your sister), for the patient has the right to all the answers necessary to make a wise decision. And that decision remains the patient's to make. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.