$Unique_ID{BRK01986} $Pretitle{} $Title{What is Hepatitis C?} $Subject{Hepatitis C disease diseases illness illnesses sick sickness treat treated treatment treatments cure cures cured virus viruses cause causes caused causing type types A infectious B serum transmit transmits transmitted transition food handler handlers wash washing clean cleaning contaminate contaminated Gamma Globulin immune immunity blood vaccinate vaccination vaccinations Non-A non-B test tests testing sex sexual sexually transfusion transfusions interferon liver livers side effect effects drug drugs abuse abuser abusers needle needles} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. What is Hepatitis C? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am a single 22 year old female diagnosed as having contracted Hepatitis C. I have been told it is a fairly new disease and my doctor doesn't know much about it. I need to know what to do and hope you can tell me where it came from and what I must do to get treated or cured. I would appreciate any information you can give me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The number of viruses that cause hepatitis does seem to be growing. There are now definitely 5 types and perhaps a 6th may also exist. There used to be but two, type "A" also known as infectious hepatitis, and "B" which was called serum hepatitis. "A" type was often transmitted from human to human through unclean practices, by food handlers who didn't wash properly after using the bathroom, or by eating contaminated food. It can be treated by using Gamma Globulin which confers a passive immunity. The "B" type is transmitted through the blood, by drug abusers using contaminated needles, as well as sexually. There is now a vaccination available that may wipe out the disease within a generation. Another strange type of hepatitis exists that was neither type "A" nor type "B", for which their was neither a diagnostic test nor a cure. It was called "Non-A, non-B" until scientists found a way of identifying it and changed its name to Hepatitis "C". But the test is not able to identify the virus' presence every time. It is estimated that about 170,000 people are infected with this virus, and it is not always certain just how they acquired the disease. Though in some cases it seems sure that the route of transmission is sexual, many others have picked up the disease from blood transfusions. Many infected people seem to be successful men and women around the age of 40 who experimented with intravenous drugs in their early twenties. The only drug currently available to treat Hepatitis "C" is interferon, which is used in patients with chronic Hepatitis "C" when it begins to attack their livers. The treatment is far from perfect as there are many side effects, but it can completely cure the patient in about 20 percent of the cases. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.