$Unique_ID{BRK01984} $Pretitle{} $Title{Dealing With the Blues} $Subject{deal Dealing handle handling blue Blues depression depress depressed medical illness illnesses sick sickness tired fatigue energy feeling feelings lonely loneliness agency agencies organization organizations self help group groups assistance physical activity activities mood moody social} $Volume{} $Log{ Exercise has Overall Benefits*0003209.scf Exercise Stimulates the Brain*0003201.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Dealing With the Blues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: Do you think you could write to a lonely, distressed female? It feels like my life is coming apart at the seams, and every time I try to find a way out, a new obstacle is in my path. I know I have the guts and intelligence to win, but there are times when I lose direction, and find myself just sitting around the house, feeling sorry for myself. Could there be something medically wrong with me? Come to think of it, maybe if you made a house call, it would help even more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: Sure I can write to someone in distress, I do so every day. But this column is just for you. It is hard to know whether there is some hidden medical condition that is provoking your blues. It certainly is a possibility, but one which you would have to work out with your physician after a thorough evaluation. I just don't have enough data to go on. Many simple illnesses, particularly those that drain energy and cause fatigue, may provoke depressed feelings, or a medical depression, in an individual. Correcting the medical situation may be the solution to your problem. However, I think you are depressed, but not suffering from a depression. Lots of us can relate to that. With all the natural disasters we have been reading about in the newspapers, when the new programs focus on the negative campaign tactics of politicians slinging mud, when television talk shows, motivated only by their hunger for ratings, dive deeper and deeper into subjects that are weird, wicked and warped, sometimes bordering on outright depravity, it is easy to think that society has lost its direction and meaning. That makes it harder for individuals to cope. But there is certainly hope for you, and I base that on the evidence in your letter that you still retain a fine sense of humor. And that makes a fine foundation upon which you may reconstruct your existence. But you have to get out, and stop feeding your loneliness by remaining shut up in your house. No matter your present social situation, I think I can offer a suggestion that might just do the trick. For certain, there are lots of agencies and self help groups that exist in your community, and you might look to them for assistance. But if you wish to take my advice, seek out a good aerobics class, maybe one that is presented at your local "Y", and sign up for a series of classes. Use the session as an excuse to get out of the house, for you WILL keep those appointments. Use the exercise session to get some of the steam up, some of the frustrations out, some of the knots untied. The physical activity, in and of itself, can lift your mood, and make you feel better. Use the class as an opportunity to make some new social contacts. I know there are many people who attend such sessions with motives that are similar to yours. They can make excellent counselors, wonderful new friends if you just take the initiative. At the very least, they may provide an outlet for some of your emotions, a sounding board for some of your ideas. You will return home, uplifted and renewed, with a new perspective on your life. As to the house call, you are a bit out of my territory, sorry. It is too bad that evolving patterns of health care have diminished the number of doctors who do visit the home of their patients. It was, and still is, a wonderfully therapeutic process, one that links the physician and the patient into a fine team, both striving for the best outcome. By the way, thanks for the photo, it is a keeper. You look like a person that will do just fine. Just don't stop trying. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.