$Unique_ID{BRK01964} $Pretitle{} $Title{Why do Pus Filled Bumps Appear After Shaving?} $Subject{Pus bump Bumps shave Shaving razor razors race treat treatment treatments problem problems pseudofolliculitis barbae black blacks skin pustule pustules safety acne hair hairs} $Volume{} $Log{ ACNE: Pimples and Pustules*0001102.scf} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Why do Pus Filled Bumps Appear After Shaving? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I am having a terrible problem with a condition that makes small pus filled bumps crop out all over my face. I try to be careful when I shave but this only makes it worse. I wash carefully, only use my own electric razor, but nothing seems to work. I notice this condition more amongst men of my race than in whites, and would like to know if this is the cause. What can be done to treat the problem? I would be very thankful for any assistance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: The name of the condition is "pseudofolliculitis barbae" if I don't miss my guess, and it is the most common skin problem seen in black men aside from pigmentation disorders. The description of its appearance and relationship to shaving are the clues. The cut hairs curve back on themselves and become imbedded back into the skin, and it is these ingrown hairs that provoke the reaction that creates the pustules you noted. The first action is to stop shaving, and you may have to quit for 4 to 5 weeks. This will provide enough time for these hairs to grow out. At first it may look worse, but it is the best way to rid yourself of the problem. Then throw away that razor, for cutting hairs below the skin surface may be the problem. Use a safety razor for better results. You might also do well to check with your own physician, for in some cases a case of acne can be the correct diagnosis, for which medical treatment is available. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.