$Unique_ID{BRK01952} $Pretitle{} $Title{How do Elimination Diets Work?} $Subject{Elimination diet Diets Work symptom symptoms cause causes caused allergy allergies food foods headache headaches tired fatigue test tests testing blood vitamin Vitamins mineral minerals medication medications weight challenge} $Volume{} $Log{ } Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. How do Elimination Diets Work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I know I have been suffering from a variety of symptoms caused by an allergy to certain foods. They include a severe headache, and a tired feeling that strikes after dinner. However, blood tests and skin tests have failed to reveal the exact nature of the problem, nor the food that causes my misery. A new doctor has suggested an elimination diet to track down the cause, but he failed to describe how it works. Can you possibly give me that explanation? I would be very grateful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: When skin tests and blood analysis fail to offer the clues necessary to track down an offending food, an elimination diet provides an interesting method of discovering the culprit. A careful history always starts the process to completely describe the exact nature of your symptoms. This will occur over a two week period as you keep a diary, carefully describing all the troubling symptoms as well as a notation of all the foods you eat. These descriptions will form the basis for comparison in the future as the diet proceeds. After the symptoms have been identified, you will be instructed to remove certain foods from your daily diet. You should receive a comprehensive list from your doctor, who may also include a list of foods you may eat and how they are to be prepared. An elimination diet does not permit the same foods to be eaten more than twice over the 7 to 10 day period. Vitamins, minerals and some non-essential medications may also be removed from your daily intake. You will have to keep careful records, and your limited diet may also cause a weight loss over time, not a drawback for most Americans. If your symptoms subside or are substantially reduced by more than half, it is probable that food is at the root of your trouble. You will then be asked to replace certain foods as a challenge test, until one or more types of food provoke the same symptoms that were present at the outset. Many patients are happy to know the cause and will often be willing to allow the symptoms to return once in a while, as the price for eating a favorite food. Others will permanently eliminate the guilty substance and become symptom free for all time. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.