$Unique_ID{BRK01943} $Pretitle{} $Title{Friends and Divorce: Surviving the Separation} $Subject{friend Friends Divorce handle deal feelings emotions conversation communication communications grief anger change changed separate separation opportunity opportunities age aging aged counsel counselling counselled} $Volume{} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Friends and Divorce: Surviving the Separation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: We have been going out with a couple our age for years now, ever since we both bought apartments in this community at the same time. Last night at dinner they announced that they had decided to go their own separate ways and are filing for divorce. We are devastated and don't know how to react. It is as if someone died. What can we do for them? And how can we deal with our own feelings? Is there anything you can tell us that might help? We would be so very grateful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: It is hard to stand aside and watch as two close friends end their relationship, for it is in many ways, like losing a loved one. But just as in cases of grief after the passing of a friend, the first and probably the hardest thing you must do is to accept the fact. The least productive and a most agonizing effort would be to try and intercede, to try and change what two adults have already decided for themselves. You do not have to make a choice between them, and it is possible to maintain an ongoing friendship with each of them as they begin to construct new lives. A great deal will depend upon the course of their divorce proceedings, which may be very destructive, or more happily leave them both intact emotionally and psychologically. They may wish to continue to see you, separately as individuals. That's fine, but be careful not to become trapped into sessions where some of their personal anger against a partner is being vented. It is a no-win position, so change the conversation to more neutral, and perhaps happier subjects. If these meetings begin to fall into the same repetitive pattern, it may be best to ease off the relationship for a while, and let the wounds heal. This is a good time for you and your spouse to open some lines of communications, to discuss your personal feelings about the couple with each other. Don't become divided by taking sides, but try to develop a unified position that both of you can accept. These conversations may help you overcome your own grief or anger about your friends' divorce. It is quite possible that both of you are developing your own strong feelings, and it is very important that you share your feelings. Just as their relationship has changed, your relationship with each of them must change. Trying to keep things as they were won't work, so strive to establish new common ground for a continuing friendship. While both of you may offer support to them during moments of great stress, don't overdo it and try to act as a replacement for the portions of their lives they are each losing. Sympathy is fine, as is understanding, but taking up cooking for the divorced husband is not conducive to a healthy relationship between him and you. While the first shock of their separation seems hard to bear now, another more dramatic incident may be in the future. As your friends seek to achieve new lives, they may decide that the best opportunities lie over the horizon, and decide to leave. Such actions may provoke another episode of pain, but even here you have some opportunities to remain friends that are considerate, caring and helpful. Assisting with the moves, accepting the responsibility for caring for precious possessions until they become settled, may be of great assistance. Then you can look forward to the pleasure of visiting and corresponding, which will at the very least help keep you in touch with these people you seem to care for so much. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.